Friday, February 8, 2008

Caesar Augustus' Reign :]

Caesar Augustus was born in Rome on September 23, 63 BC. But when he was born, his given birth name was Gaius Octavius. His name was changed to Caesar Augustus by the Roman Senate in 27 BC. Caesar Augustus means "the exalted." The Senate also granted him the power to change and control religios, civil, and military positions.

Augustus made many decisions for Rome and while making these decisions, he kept the Roman Empire in those decisions and made sure that it was kept safe from its enemies. Augustus' reign became so powerful and so well-known that the people of his time said that "he found Rome a city of brick and left it one of marble." This meant that the way he ruled Rome and all of his building projects were just spectacular.

Augustus ruled from 23 BC to 14 AD. He ruled at about the time that the First Truimvirate ended. Augustus, along with Mark Antony and Lepitus, formed the Second Triumvirate, a military dictatorship. But this did not last long for Mark Antony committed suicide and Lepitus was driven to exhile.

Augustus' rule was important because he ruled during the Pax Romana. This means the Roman Peace. Although there was a few small wars and battles, it really was a peaceful time in history. The Pax Romana lasted for about two centuries. (wikipedia) (Book Source 1)

Augustus was very well liked for his efficient postal services and free trade among the provinces. He built many aqueducts and bridges and on his buildings, he had a classic way or designing things. Augustus became so liked that he was even declared a god by the Senate.

"Augustus' monuments were adorned with his name and portraits; sculptures of him still abound from all parts of the Empire. Coins portrayed his face and the topics of the moment; literature praised his historic and current achievements." (Southern, Pat. Page 196) (Book Source 2)

Augustus died in 14 Ad and he had a ceremonial funeral... Many people were very sad that he died, but today he is still known as one of the most influential Roman leaders in history.

Southern, Pat. Augustus. Routledge. 1998
